Monday, November 3, 2008


I am using this final project as an opportunity to get started on my animated short. This project will be the very start to the short, where the camera travels towards one point in the center of the screen. Since this is just a part of a short, there will not be much of a story behind it, and no agenda that I am trying to push. It could provoke thoughts and ideas, or leave people wondering what they just watched. My mind is occupied with the technical side. I am planning on using After Effects, and the 3d camera. The ideal way for this to work is if I am able to create the entire sequence on separate planes and fly the camera through from beginning to end. Realistically, I will probably have to break the animation up into small sections and attach them seamlessly. For some parts, I am using After Effects as a simple Maya, other parts will be two dimensional planes. I am creating a 3D room for the air duct.

Here is a link to how I am going about creating the Earth: Earth Zoom

I am going to use this general idea for quite a bit of the animation, putting layers inside of layers. This will make it look like I am shrinking the camera as it goes from the visible world to the microscopic, and back.

Story Boards

Establishing shot of tree. Camera moves forward into center of the spider web. Spider crawls up a strand of silk as the camera passes by. Sound of wind blowing and birds chirping, becomes distant as the camera nears the web.

Camera moves into a strand of the spider web. It continues into the fibers inside the strand. Sound is white noise and rumbles. Birds chirping are very distant and distorted.

The camera floats into one fiber and into the network of matter inside that fiber. Eventually arriving at a single particle of matter. Sound of white noise fades.

The camera continues into the matter and flies through the atoms that make up the matter.
It singles out one atom and moves into the nucleus.

Inside the nucleus, the camera continues into a proton and finally into a quark.
At this point the sound is a hum as if in a vacuum tube.

The camera enters a black void, with a light in the distance. As the light grows, it turns into many galaxies. The camera flies into one galaxy.
There is no sound.

The camera soars into a solar system and down onto a planet.
Sound of radio waves and rumbling as the camera passes through the planet's atmosphere.

The camera free falls into a city and to the roof of a building. It enters into an air conditioning unit on top of the building.
Sound of city and rumbles of wind past the camera. Air conditioning fan humming.

Camera twists through an air duct and into a bedroom.